Final of the international We Want Jazz poster competition: concert and exhibition at Warsaw Breweries
Final of the international We Want Jazz poster competition: concert and exhibition at Warsaw Breweries

On September 22, the final of the 6th International We Want Jazz Poster Competition: KOMEDA55 will take place at Warsaw Breweries. After the ceremonial award presentation, a vernissage will begin, opening an outdoor exhibition of the best works, followed by a concert by the group EABS, dedicated to Krzysztof Komeda. Admission to the event is free.

The EABS concert Repetitions (Letters to Krzysztof Komeda), scheduled for 6:00 PM at the Central Garden of Warsaw Breweries, will mark the conclusion of the 6th edition of the International We Want Jazz Poster Competition titled KOMEDA55, organized by the EuroJAZZ Foundation, which promotes this music genre. - This year, over nine hundred posters were submitted by seven hundred artists from eighty countries. Among the thirty works that the jury, chaired by Prof. Lech Majewski, selected for the final exhibition are posters by artists from Poland, the USA, Japan, China, and Argentina. We are very pleased that the competition we organize is developing so well and not only popularizes global jazz music but also Polish artists. The focus of this edition was the pianist and film music composer Krzysztof Komeda, whose 55th death anniversary we commemorate this year - says Agnieszka Holwek, Vice President of the EuroJAZZ Foundation and a competition juror.

The top three winners are from Poland. The best works were created by Jerzy Skakun, Sebastian Bauman, and Katarzyna Czapska. At 5:30 PM, the award ceremony and the opening of the outdoor exhibition of the competition's finalist works will take place. - Since its inception, Warsaw Breweries has supported various cultural initiatives. Twice a year, we organize the Wola Jazz Festival here, as well as concerts and music workshops Jazz for Kids, so the exhibition of jazz-themed posters couldn’t happen anywhere else. Visitors will be able to admire the artists' works along the Haberbusch and Schiele woonerf installation throughout the month. The EABS jazz concert, to which we invite genre fans and beyond, certainly won’t be the last jazz event this year - says Milena Nawrat, Marketing Manager of Echo Investment and juror in this year's We Want Jazz competition.


The EABS concert repertoire, like this year's competition theme, is dedicated to the work of Polish jazz legend Krzysztof Komeda. The band, consisting of Marek Pędziwiatr - keyboards, Paweł Stachowiak - bass guitar, Jakub Kurek - trumpet, Olaf Węgier - tenor saxophone, and Marcin Rak - drums, will perform tracks from their debut album Repetitions (Letters to Krzysztof Komeda) which received high praise from jazz critics and appealed to younger audiences. Additionally, they will present fragments from their upcoming material, tentatively titled: Repetitions II (Sketches of Krzysztof Komeda) based on very early, never-recorded scores of Komeda discovered by Krzysztof Balkiewiczek from his high school years.

By combining various musical influences, EABS has grown into one of the most important jazz bands, breaking genre barriers and performing at festivals such as Jazz Jamboree, Woodstock, Open'er, and participating in the Męskie Granie tour.

The event will take place in the Central Garden of Warsaw Breweries, at 58 Grzybowska Street. Free entry.

More information can be found at www.browarywarszawskie.com.pl.


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