"Wodecki Jazz" on the stage of Warsaw Breweries

Warsaw Breweries invite to a unique concert by saxophonist and composer Piotr Baron, who will remind us of Zbigniew Wodecki's greatest hits in jazz arrangements. The event takes place on 23 June, as part of the Wola Jazz Festival. Admission is free.

The next instalment of the Wola Jazz Festival will take listeners on a sentimental journey through Zbigniew Wodecki's most popular compositions, such as: "I like to go back where I was", "Tell me so", "With you I want to see the world" and "Start with Bach". You will be able to hear the songs in jazz arrangements, thanks to Piotr Baron, who is one of the greatest personalities in the history of Polish jazz music. Piotr Baron is an instrumentalist, lecturer, publicist, producer, composer and arranger, and orchestra director. His musical paths have crossed with legendary jazz musicians in Poland and around the world, including Ray Charles, Art Farmer, Wadada Leo Smith, Tomasz Stańko, Billy Harper, David Murray, Kevin Mahogany and Eddie Henderson. During the festival concert he will perform with his band consisting of: Robert Majewski (trumpet), Michał Tokaj (piano), Maciej Adamczak (double bass), Łukasz Żyta (drums).

- Warsaw Breweries invite you to another musical feast, performed by Piotr Baron. This time, the concert will evoke the memory of a well-known artist who loved jazz - Zbigniew Wodecki. Everyone who visits the Wola Jazz Festival on the Sunday afternoon of 23 June will be able to witness the inspiring power of his work - says Milena Nawrat, Marketing Manager at Echo Investment.

The concert will take place on 23 June, at 6 p.m. in the green Central Garden of the Warsaw Breweries, at 60 Grzybowska St. Admission is free.

The Wola Jazz Festival will conclude on 30 June with a concert by Stanisław Soyka.

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